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Entry 6 08/03/2012
Living with a child with autism
Raiden is almost 4 years of age and he is still in diapers. The social workers say that he may be in them up to 8 to 10 years of age. And with the state of our finances that’s going to hurt. It’s not just diapers its whipies and duct tape as well as full zip up body suits. The duct tape insures he keeps his diaper on the jump suit insures he doesn’t throw crap and spread it all over himself and the walls around him.

Today Rachel went out with the kids, of course its real hot out there, but if she wants to go somewhere she has to walk. So she loads up the kids in the 4 seat stroller, she needs the four seater so she can buy things and have a place to put them to bring them home. When she gets to where she’s going she has two 3 year olds to deal with one that wants everything our daughter and the other an autistic son that does nothing right accept look cute. If it can be wrong he will do it and does it on a minute by minute basis.

So she needs to strap them both in so Sammy don’t run off and Raiden don’t tear stuff up. The workers in the stores around here know Rachel and the kids and they dread it every time she comes in. why? You might ask well Raiden is not an easy person to deal with in fact he is a down right monster.

Ok they arrive at their destination and decide to sit down for lunch it’s a nice little 5 dollar pizza lunch well Raiden has his eye on this lady next to them and he aims and spits a wad of cheese on this lady. Ok think about it for a minute, ok, you are the lady a kid just spit food on you, your grossed out so for the millionth time you say sorry he is autistic.

Well she asks, is he going to do it again? Well Rachel is a sweet heart and of course says no I will keep an eye on him. Me; on the other hand I would have said ya he will most likely do it again so if you don’t want to be spit on then move to another table that’s just me. I’m sick and tired of people and there judgmental looks and snide remarks under their breath. Well anyway Rachel finishes her walk around the store with the kids and starts heading home. I of course don’t want her or the kids out in that heat any more so I go pick them up.
We get home and we bring the kids in the house. Raiden of course has a pair of shorts on and a t-shirt but we went ahead and tied him into his highchair. We have to tie him or he will get lose and break more cabinet doors or put holes in the walls in the living room or whatever kind of damage he can do to the place. Well Rachel needs a little rest it’s not easy pushing the monster stroller so she sits down for a minute to relax.

Bad idea Raiden has poop and, he don’t have tape or a jump suit on at the moment so guess what happened? He reaches in his diaper pulls out poop roles it up in a nice neat little balls and starts throwing it on the walls and ceiling and rubbing the excess on himself. Well I smell it from my office where I’m constantly trying to find ways to make money to keep a roof over our heads and I smell poop I call for Rachel she quickly gets to him changes the diaper puts the duct tape on as I’m cleaning the crap off the roof and walls,

then I put the jump suit on him and put him in the bedroom he plays in the bedroom and there is really not much more he can do to his room its totally demolished it looks like a freakin tornado, earthquake and 6 bar fights hit that room. Well he starts screaming and throwing stuff so he is having an autistic moment so I get to walk in there as he is punching me spitting on me and whatever other gross stuff you can think of and put him in his safe room and lock the door.

All I can say at the moment is I’m am glad school starts for him this week 3 days of 4 hour breaks a week it’s going to be like Christmas.